How will you live this day?

Yesterday I came across a couple of websites with some lovely pictures/positives thoughts, so I decided to look through them and post up some of the most positive thinking thoughts.

1. I found an image of Scrabble in a very positive way, I spent a lot of today playing Scrabble, so it seemed particularly fitting.

2.Ā  Although I am ill, as usual, I’m trying to keep my positive hat on.

3.Ā  This whole post is thanks to Lilmisskaty, who sent me a link to this image. I loved it and it made me decide to do this post. It also really reflects what I’ve been trying to do. Today I woke up feeling unwell, but even in today there are some good things.

4. I thought this seemed like a lovely quote and it’s very true. Sometimes you’ve just got to sit back, not worry too much about life being perfect and things come to you. There’s parts of my life that aren’t quite how I’d hope, so I’m hoping by focusing on the little things in each day, that the rest will eventually fall into place.

5. Finally, I can’t keep all these positives thoughts to myself, so if you’re a little short, here’s some going spare. Take one and smile!

2 thoughts on “How will you live this day?

    1. When I saw it I thought it would be good to put it on there!!!

      Oh that’s so lovely…take a smile…I LOVE IT!!! šŸ˜€ I hope you do and I hope they respond properly.

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