Spooky Goings On

Monday is Halloween, as you probably know, a day which tends to be celebrated in many ways by many people. Despite it still struggling to take hold of the UK (we know it’s been all the rage in the USA for decades) I’ve actually noticed a decline in the way we celebrate.

I remember as a child going trick or treating as it was fantastic, then by the time I got to thirteen nobody wanted to give us anything and those that did gave us money. One year I remember Halloween was on a weekday (like this year) and my friends and I went out at the weekend – someone told us off for trick or treating ahead of time.

I’ve never really been too sure of that aspect of Halloween. When should you stop trick or treating? Is it appropriate to celebrate on a day other than the day itself?

These days the problem seems to be neither here nor there. I don’t know many teenagers willing to go out trick or treating and as a rule of thumb, people generally opt for parties instead of roaming the streets.

One year we were all prepared with sweets, sat there in the front room with a pumpkin in the window (I think) and waited.

Nobody came.

So we ate the sweets.

Another year I tried to buy a pumpkin but couldn’t find one anywhere!

I’m not a big celebrator of the ‘holiday’, I don’t tend to go to Halloween parties (don’t know of any to go to) and I don’t have any little kids to take out in the street. So I usually sit at home and treat it like any other day…except we usually have sweets for trick or treaters.

And it’s my sister’s birthday.

Last year it fell on a Sunday so we went to Pendle Hill which is well known round these parts because of the Pendle Witches. Very Halloweeny. There’s a little shop full of spooky things especially for anyone in search of a bit of Pendle Witch history. Then we went to another little village nearby (possibly the actual village of Pendle, I can’t remember) where we went for a walk. They had a charity run…hang on…this year we’re going watching my sister run in some fancy dress run, perhaps it’s the same thing…anyway, that was an enjoyable way to spend the last Halloween. This year we’re going for a meal with my sister (obviously) after the run.

Strangely enough this year my boss who I do consider a friend is due to give birth (today) and is desperate NOT to have a Halloween baby. Fingers crossed.

P.S. Apologies, this should have been written yesterday. Can’t believe I went to bed without doing so. Sorry lilmisskaty who set the theme.

One thought on “Spooky Goings On

  1. Just realised I hadn’t commented, sorry!!

    Did your friend have a Halloween baby?!

    It seems to be sods law with Halloween that if you buy lots of sweets then noone will turn up whereas if you don’t prepare you’ll be hounded by ghoulish children. Hope they were nice sweets though? Someone in work said they had to put their sweets in flour when they returned from trick or treating and eat them with no hands…seems so harsh!! haha!

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